Investment outlays and gross value of enterprise fixed assets – a comparative analysis of Opole region poviats


  • Aleksandra Zygmunt Politechnika Opolska Wydział Ekonomii i Zarządzania Katedra Ekonomii, Finansów i Badań Regionalnych



nakłady inwestycyjne przedsiębiorstw, wartość brutto środków trwałych przedsiębiorstw, powiaty województwa opolskiego


The main purpose of the paper is the diversity diagnosis of investment outlays and gross value of enterprise fixed assets in Opole region poviats. At first, considerations about the investment outlays and gross value of enterprises’ fixed assets in region’s development were made. Next, research concerned on comparison investment outlays and gross value of enterprises’ fixed assets among Opole region poviats was held. It uses the measures of position and cluster analysis, on which basis isolated space groups were isolated, indicating investment outlays and gross value of enterprise fixed assets in the Opole region poviats. The research was based on the data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland, Local Data Bank. The scope of examinations concerns the years 2008–2012. The fundamental value of the paper is the recognition investment outlays and gross value of enterprises’ fixed assets between Opole region poviats. The results of the analysis can provide a basis for taking decisions connected with stimulating and strengthening the climate of companies’ investment in the poviats, which should help to increase the competitiveness in the whole Opole region. The crucial result of studies points at the discrepancy in investment outlays and gross value of enterprises’ fixed assets scope between Opole region poviats. In further studies, it is assumed, inter alia, to identify the determinants that may affect the stimulation or strengthening the enterprises’ investment climate in various poviats of Opole region.

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