Improving students’ performance by means of motivation: the role of ICTs
educative innovation, students, motivationAbstract
Aim: The main objective of this paper is to analyze the effects of educational innovation on student implication on the study as a way for getting a job in the future, as well as the role of motivation at the secondary school to help for achieving this goal.
Design / Research methods: By means of the elaboration of a questionnaire, the opinion of the students in relation to educative innovation, and, later by means of descriptive statistical analysis and a regression analysis, to search the relation between the concerns for getting a job and the motivational education among the students in secondary educative level is undertaken.
Conclusions / findings: The results point towards a positive assessment by the students, who consider that educational innovation, stimulates their interest; boost the participation and collaboration between peers and with the teaching staff, at the same time there is a statistical significant relation between the students’ concern about their future working life and the motivations at school. The motivation is strongly relate to incorporation of ICTs at classroom, particularly computers and tablets.
Originality / value of the article: The main value of this research is on stablishing a link between three key features: the concerns of youth about their future labor life, the motivation at school and the role of ICTs on this motivation.
Limitations: The main limitations of this research are related to the sample, nevertheless the preliminary generalization of this results can be acceptable, according the literature.
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